专访我校国外教师Ms. Linda J. Visner
Ms. Linda J. Visner来自美国西雅图,分别在约克大学和赛瑞大学取得语言学学士学位和硕士学位。Ms. Visner在中国教英语已经近8年,对农村与城市教育系统之间的差异特别感兴趣,并希望通过自己的研究能发展新思路,提高大家对于缩小城乡差距的意识。

“珠海是一个干净、美丽的地方。”这是Ms. Visner 通过互联网对我校的第一印象,就是这么一个简单的理由让她在珠海定居生活,并热爱上教师这一职业。
对于Ms. Visner来说,有很多地方、工作可以选择,但她为什么最终选择了北京师范大学珠海分校,她解释道:“我在中国呆了很长时间,以前也曾在成都、青海等这样的大城市工作、生活过,但是都没有像北京师范大学珠海分校这样的吸引我。
和北京师范大学珠海分校的学生一起学习、工作,在Ms. Visner看来是一件十分享受的事情。在北师珠的教学经历给她的感受是:作为一个老师,如果你的课堂准备充分,绝大多数的同学是很乐意帮助你、并与你一起认真刻苦地工作的。“所以我非常喜欢和这里的同学们在一起。”她说。
得知北京师范大学珠海分校将与像圣玛丽大学等国际知名的大学建立合作关系,Ms. Visner觉得很开心。在不同的地方和不同的教育体制下学习,使得别国学生和北京师范大学珠海分校学生的视野都更加开阔。而来自加拿大、美国、新西兰、英国等地的学生也得以机会来此学习汉语和中国文化。Ms. Visner认为,在不同国家的大学建立交换项目对于双方大学都是非常有意义的,这也是双方互相学习的绝佳契机。
Interview with Ms. Linda J. Visner
Ms. Linda J. Visner, from Seatle, US, acquired her bachelor and master degree in linguistics. Ms. Visner has been teaching English in China for 8 years and she is very interested in the difference of educational system in urban and rural areas. She hopes to inspire new ideas and enhance people’s awareness about such gap through her research.
Choosing BNUZ
“Zhuhai is a clean and beautiful place.” This is Ms. Visner’s first impression about BNUZ after she researched on the internet. And it is such a simple reason that makes Ms. Visner choose to settle in Zhuhai and afterwards she fell in love with teaching here.
For Ms. Visner, there are other places and jobs but she finally chose BNUZ. She explained “I have been living in China for a long time. I used to work and live in other big cities like Chengdu and Qinghai, etc. But no place attracts me as much as BNUZ does.”
First, the campus environment is so elegant. Second, since Ms. Visner used to work in Southwest China for many years, she wants to make a comparison about the education and educational mode between Southwest China and East China. She said “As there are a lot of differences, I believe this would be a very interesting subject.”
Enjoy Teaching
It seems a great delight for Ms. Visner to work and study with students at BNUZ. Her feeling about teaching at BNUZ is that if a teacher can be fully prepared for the class, most of the students would like to help and cooperate. “that’s why I love to stay with students at BNUZ.”
Besides, she said that extracurricular activities at BNUZ are very interesting. “In most cases, we hold events like cooking and Christmas parties annually and everyone enjoys this. That is another reason I like here.” In her opinion, students at BNUZ are very smart and energetic. Therefore, if the teachers can teach sincerely, students will pay back with a full concentration on their work.”
International Educational Mode
Ms. Visner is very happy after learning about the cooperative programs between BNUZ and other famous universities like Saint Mary’s University. Learning in different places and under different educational systems can broaden students’ mind. And at the same time, students from Canada, US, New Zealand, and UK can also take such opportunities to come to China to learn Chinese and Chinese culture. Ms. Visner thinks that it is very meaningful to establish exchange programs with universities of different countries and it is also a good opportunity to learn from each other.
校记者团:孟旭 翻译:马菁远